I enjoy helping people to be happily successful.

My personal motivation for what I do can be described with the following characteristics:

“You can achieve anything you really want to achieve.” With this wonderful belief of my parents, I was allowed to grow up in the small town idyll of central Hessia. 

After completing my banking apprenticeship in Frankfurt, I moved to Berlin and gained my first experience as a project manager while studying landscape planning. 

During my studies at TU Berlin, two books inspired me strongly – and in retrospect had a sustainable influence on my professional development: “A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction” and “A timeless way of building” by Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa and Murray Silverstein.

Since then, I have been fascinated by recognizing, adapting and improving patterns – in planning, in business processes, in the systemic context of organizations and especially in the interaction of people.

I believe in the power of intrinsic motivation. One of my strongest motivators is the sparkle in people’s eyes when they achieve a goal together.

Since 1999, that’s why I support leaders and employees in organizations in developing their potential as individuals and as a team, and in developing their ability to organize themselves. And in doing so, one thing above all is allowed: laughing together.

“Music was my first love” is not just an impressive song, but in my also actually true. According to my mother, I was already singing before I started talking.  And even as a toddler, I preferred dancing to simply walking straight ahead. My love for music accompanies me until today.

Whether on stage or with my clients: I am inspired by co-creating with other people towards a common goal in order to improve a situation as a team or start something new. That’s why my profession to me is music rather than a job. And new challenges are an invitation to dance.

For more than 25 years I have been supporting projects in international companies in various industries. I share my wealth of experience, my passion for leadership, teamwork, change and agility with my clients to accompany them in the successful implementation of their projects and the achievement of their professional and personal goals.

My qualifications

My professional career

My motto

Be mindful.
Trust the process.
Live your change!

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